► ZBWB Division provides:
┤ Video editing
┤ Web Design Services
┤ Screen printing service and wardrobe supplies
┤ Restyling and optimizations of existing websites
┤ Web development and onion social running
┤ Hosting
┤ Photo editing
┤ Graphics & Banners
┤ Hardware elaborations
┤ Custom videoclip and video installation
┤ Digital audio engineering, mastering and production
┤ Obsolete media duplication, transfers and recovery
► Informations, projects, proposals and quotes:
┤ q309network@gmail.com
name: 'ZBWB Division',
you are here: ['http://www.zbwbdivision.com', ],
[ {
type: '22A309', mx1byBpbW1hdGVyaWFsZSBhIHBlc28gZmlzaWNvIDA' must be understood as
“zbwb division produces superfluous and intangible goods with physical weight 0” }
type: 'THM',
44 49 46 46 4f 4e 44 49 41 4d 4f 20 41 4c 4f 47 4f 53 20
44 41 20 41 46 46 49 41 4e 43 41 52 45 20 41 20 50 4f 52
4e 45 49 41'
must be understood as
“zbwb division spreads alogos to be placed side by side with porneia”
} ],
contacts: { e-mail: 'q309network@gmail.com', },
* FAQ [1; 2; 3; 3.1(f); *]
Q: 'We have a project and it needs editing/mastering/hosting/development/duplication/'
A: 'Let's talk! about:
-> zbwbdivision: q309network@gmail.com
-> vlflaboratories: vlf_laboratories@protonmail.com',
Q: ’I have skills and abilities that are in line with the current 309 and that can be used for the growth of the network
A: 'from June 2021 we have available outdoor and indoor spaces suitable for multiple activities. and the activities in the network are expanding. write a detailed email with proposals and reasons'
-> zbwbdivision: q309network@gmail.com
Q: 'Is there a list of custom projects, websites created and hosted, video realized and so on?
{ }
}, {
}, { ] }